Income tax rates for 2024

1. Personal income tax rates for resident individuals

1.1. Earned income

1.1.1. State income tax table for 2024

Taxable income bracketTotal tax on income below bracketTax rate on income in bracket (%)
0 – 20 50012.64
20 500 – 30 5002 591.2019.00
30 500 – 50 4004 491.2030.25
50 400 – 88 20010 510.9534.00
88 000 – 150 00023 362.9542.00
150 000 –49 318.9544.00

1.1.2. Municipal tax

Municipal tax is levied at flat rates. The tax varies between 4.40 per cent and 10.80 per cent in 2024 (in average 7.46 per cent).

1.2. Capital income

Capital income is taxed according 30 per cent up to to EUR 30,000 and according to 34 on the excess. Although according to the general rule the capital income is heavily taxed in Finland, there are certain rules that may reduce the tax burden significantly.

2. Personal income tax rates for non-resident individuals

A non-resident individual is taxed on the Finnish-source income only. Unless a lower rate is provided in a tax treaty, the tax rate is 35 per cent on earned income. In most cases the capital income of a non-resident is taxed as in the case of residents. As a rule, tax treaties provide Finland with the right to withhold 10 or 15 per cent on dividends.

3. Corporate tax

The corporate tax paid by limited companies and other corporations is levied according to a flat rate of 20 per cent.